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Burishwar Union At a Glance

06 No. Burishwar Union Parishad
Upazila: Nasirnagar, District: Brahmanbaria.

Introduction to Burishwar Union Parishad



Union At a Glance

Number of villages:       13

Number of people: 31,173.

Number of males : 15,042.

Number of women: 18,121.

Mouza : 10

Hat bazaar: 4

Mosques: 23

Madrasa: 04.

Eidgah: 04.

Maktab: 22

Crematorium: 06

Temples: 26

Cemeteries: 31

High school: 02.

Primary schools: Government - 06.


Village based population:

Alakpur - 696 people.

Ashurail - 4648 people.

Volauk - 1523 people.

Burishwar - 5911 people.

Burishwar - 448 people.

Chan Para - 742 people.

Ganganagar - 601 people.

Dakshin Singh village - 3,08 people.

Ichapur-589 people.

Lakshmipur North - 3,318 people.

Shrighar - 9,399 people.

Tilpara-1275 people.

Uttar Bhat Para - 656 people.

Communication system: waterway and land route.

Places of interest: Burishwar Jayakumar zamindar house of British period.

Union Parishad: Organizational structure

Chairman-1 person.

Members - 09

Currently -03 people.

UP Secretary-01.

Village police - 10 people.

UP Office: 08 No. Burishwar Union Parishad Complex Building-01.

Area: 33.34 sq km.

Mouza: 10

Post Office: 03

Current Council 6

৬নং বুড়িশ্বর ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ, নাসিরনগর, ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়া।